This book is designed to introduce you to who you are, as God made you, and to the gift God has placed within you. Living in the Presence—a Jewish Mindfulness Guide To Everyday Life provides a practical and hands-on roadmap to discover purpose in your life, to capture and experience some of the benefits of the world-to-come ... right now, in this world.

Living in the Presence: A Jewish Mindfulness Guide to Everyday Life


Living in the Presence is a work of art that could only have been written by someone who is truly living in the present. My dear friend Dr. Benjy has his finger on the pulse of our turbulent generation, one that is seeking more than ever a practical path of mindfulness and emunah to live by. This is a treasure.
HaRav Moshe Weinberger
Marah d Atra of Congregation Aish Kodesh, Woodmere, NY and Mashpia at Yeshiva University

Ben Epstein masterfully connects ancient religious wisdom with modern scientific research, providing a roadmap to a more spiritual, happier, existence.
Tal Ben-Shahar, Ph.D.
Founder of Happiness Studies Academy Co. and Founder of Maytiv Center

Living in the Presence is an invaluable resource for those looking to deepen the connection between mindfulness and spirituality, specifically as it relates to the Jewish faith. While contemporary research makes an effort to remove the transcendent from mindfulness practices, Dr. Epstein deftly articulates that indeed it is the spiritual element that gives mindfulness the ability to transform the totality of how a person relates to his daily existence. This is a book of enormous breadth and depth and will enhance the lives of those who internalize its message.
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
Director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health Duke University Medical Center